Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...


Just let us stay in the exploration of this very moment, without even any question or any search, or expectation for anything, just purely being this very moment... just meeting it totally, including all of the body sensation. Okay?...
- Yes.

...This amazing very moment, yes, just being totally here now, naturally not doing anything ... Just being aware. Doesn't it feel like bliss?... What's your direct experience?...
- ...Yes, it is amazing just to be like that...

Yes, we are blessed all the time in this very moment, not even doing anything! Just being. Free!
- Yes.

Yes this is our real being, not even a state, it is our very nature. Not blessed "out", on the contrary, blessed "in", in itself by itself, moment to moment to moment. Nothing special, just ordinary, just as it is, just as we are, without any idea or reference about it. Nothing but blessings on this earth. Otherwise it is only confusion, only misunderstanding. Our natural "standing" is bliss... The natural pleasure of being... An "ordinary" bliss... Can you recognize that in this very moment?
-Yes, beyond all the stories and ideas about it, yes!

Is that an experience?
- No, it is what is naturally before anything.

Yes, beautiful! It is just waiting for us, for our own recognition, not that much finally! hahaha! Can we make it cheaper?...
- No, so simple!

Yes, isn't it worth to pay the full price right now?
- Yes!

Okay, donations are welcome! hahaha!!!... We can only be stingy to our self, nobody else!... Do you find anyone else?... in this moment, who else? tell me!
- Nobody! just that!

Yes! that's it! Recognizing and rejoicing our own Self, our own Being, that's the only celebration! That's absolute free sharing and total selfishness!
- Yes, so much love, so much freedom!...

Yes! Much more than enough! hahaha!
- It is such an overflow!...

Yes, including all this, all embracing!
- Yes!

Do you feel or sense any separation in anyway?
- No.

Yes, no separation at all, it knows itself by itself.
- Yes, no need for any so-called confirmation!

Yes, it confirms itself by itself!... and still everything signs it, everything is its own signature!
- Yes! I see that clearly!

Yes! and 'yes' is a favourite one! hahaha!
- Yes! hahaha!!!

Yes! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! So, to end up this investigation, do you see that there is nothing personal in it, that there is not a 'you', a 'me', an 'I' to whom this self recognition is so-called happening?...
- Yes, nothing personal, it just is, it's nobody's business! hahaha!

Yes. Pure Being-ness, pure Aware-ness, pure Love-ness. Can we do anything for it to happen?
- No, it Is!

Do you see that it is already by itself?
- Yes.

And that there is nobody to make it happens for anybody else?
- Yes.

Do you see that there is no "other"?... Just look, do you really see that there is no other?
- Yes!

Yes, so there is no "me" either?
- Yes, no me. It's free!

Yes, that's total liberation! Only that is left, in itself by itself.
- Yes.

Yes, and still we can enjoy all the Play of names, shapes, forms and colours in it!
- Yes!

Including so-called "you" and "me" and everybody around!... Isn't it such a beauty?
- Yes! It's so amazing! Being here and all of it!

Yes! Enough into itself and enough for ever, now now now just dropping into itself, refreshing itself, renewing itself.... endlessly...
- Yes!

Om, beautiful, thank you. ...You see, when there is nobody to push ... such a pull!... hahaha!!!
... Being Is. There is no question. Being cannot be denied... Call it an answer if you like... It is Awareness itself. It is Freedom itself. It is Love itself !... This Being-Awareness-Love is whole, all embracing and unchanging Nature... including all that is passing!

Thank you for passing.


Ayam om-gif 

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