Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...

Just Being...

Ok, just for a second, let's bring our attention back to ourselves;
let's bring our awareness back to consciousness. Just that.

Here is an invitation to shut "up", not to shut "down", just to be meeting this awareness in itself,
and to see how it is just to be here, not doing or trying anything, even not to shut up!...
How is it just being, just aware, just sitting, doing nothing, just meeting?... Isn't it shutting up?
- Yes. Hahaha!

Isn't it just... wow!?
- Yes.

Just meeting oneself as it is, as one is...
- Yes.

How does it feel? Isn't it good enough? Quiet enough?...
Just here, just now, just being oneself, what else?
- Nothing. Yes.

Are we making good? Are we making quiet? Isn't it already all here?
- Yes.

Isn't it 'that' we were looking for? Finally just being oneself, and all the peace and love of it?
Are we doing 'that'?
- No. It's just what is.

Yes, beautiful recognition, just yourself recognizing your Self, one's own Being.
- Yes.

Isn't it 'yes' the most beautiful and peaceful mantra?
- Yes! Hahaha!

Isn't it the most loving mantra?
- Yes.

Do you feel any sense of separation? Being, just here, just now?
- No, no sense of separation.

Isn't it a pure delight and relaxation to recognize that?
- Yes!

Is there anything missing?
- No, not at all!

How does it feel now?
- It feels okay, it's like totality, it feels home!!!

Yes. Have you ever been away from this?
- No. What a surrender, what an ease-ness!

Yes, Isness. Try to lose it!... Can you?
- No, not at all!

Good, okay, now try to find something else, how does it feel?
- It is like an effort, a moving away.

Yes, this trying is an effort; a moving away, who you really are is absolutely effortless and motionless.
Prior to anything, you Are, aren't you?
- Yes.

Yes. That's confirmation, the same one speaking, recognizing itself.
- Yes, I see that.

Good! So, the struggle is over!
- YES!

Yes, hahaha!!! Okay, let's keep investigating being now, do we need an "I", a "me" to be?
- No.

Yes, this "I", this "me" is the illusion of the personality, of the 'doer', of the experiencer, of the thinker, even of the witness. Being is, Awareness is, witnessing happens, it all happens by itself!... Do you recognize that?
-Yes! Clear!...

Yes, do you recognise that there is not even an "I"?
-Yes! Hahaha! such freedom!

Yes, so free. Can you go anywhere and not be yourself? How can you do that?
How can you escape from being?... How does it feel to try that?... which anyway you cannot do!
- It feels uncomfortable.

Yes; and how does that feel just to stay with your self now?
- It's okay!

Yes. Just stay with that, is that okay to stay with that?
- Actually yes, no trouble. It's even restful, comfortable, a good place to be...

Yes, and that's the only one! hahaha!
- And that's the place I tried to avoid!

Yes, that's what we all do! We spend our lives like that! Looking for something else... hahaha...
Isn't it a good joke?
- Yes, I tried to avoid to feel alive, to feel aliveness, yes, I was always believing that I was supposed to do something, just being without doing anything was not allowed, not permitted, just being was not valued, there was no recognition at all in being! It was very disturbing!

Yes, it is very disturbing. Are you disturbed now, including these memories of disturbance playing?
- No.

See that very clearly, do not overlook! That's freedom!
- Yes, I see the point very clear!

Good. Has your trying to do something or to figure it out, ever helped, ever worked?
- No.

What happens when you try to do that? When you try to avoid just being?
- It makes the feeling stronger!

Yes. And how does it feel?
- Even more uncomfortable, almost unbearable!

Yes, and what is your feeling with that?
- I want to escape, to run away even more quick!

Yes, does it help, does it work?
- No it doesn't.

So, are you willing just to experience, to perceive the sensation that is arising and to see it just for what it is?
Without trying to blank out, to push it away or to manipulate it?
- Yes.

And what happens now?...
- Nothing, nothing at all.

Yes, nothing happens and we are trying to escape from nothing happening!!! hahaha!!
Isn't it a good joke???
- Yes... a huge joke!

How does it feel now?
- It feels good! Yes!

So that's it! Enjoy being aware of the sensation arising, the aliveness being in this body-mind, in this awareness that you are...Is that good enough?
- Yes!

Good! That's all there is! hahaha!
- Yes, hahaha! Thank you!

Thank you!


Ayam om-gif 

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