Self Awareness"The Moment's Dance "...


Ok, welcome! What is your experience right now ?
- Confusion.

Ok, let's deal with that now. Whose confusion is that?
- Mind confusion.

Ok, who is aware of that?
- I am aware of it.

Ok, is the one aware of confusion is itself confusion?
- ... (silence)...

What happens now?
- I just feel silence, emptiness.

Yes, this is it! There is silence. Do you see?
What is your experience now?
- I cannot say.

Great! Yet you are and you can speak...?
- Yes, it is like I am and I am not at the same time.

Yet aware of being?
- Yes.

Only aware and still being?...
- Yes.

Is it enough to be like that right now?

Where is confusion now?
- I don't know.

Are you missing it?
- No!

Ok, good to see! So now you are fine, is that enough to be like that?
- Yes.

Do you see that this is who you are?
- I see nothing.

Beyond the idea of it, being now, enough into yourself, aren't you?
- Yes.

Can you deny that?
- No.

Ok, just see that this being aware is all there is, you are not a thing.
Are you recognizing that you are not a thing?
- Yes.

Are you recognizing that you are before anything?
That you are before you hear me and before you even try to answer?
- Yes, but it feels empty, like nothing, useless...

That's great! Can't you see the value of that? Are you not fed up to try to be useful?
To be used and abused? To be someone? To look after something? To catch, to lose?
- Yes, I'm fed up with this.

Isn't it exhausting all these trying?
- Yes it is.

Can't you just be now? Just like that?
- pfff! Yes.

Is there anything you can do now to make it better?
- No.

What do you gain by keeping this trying to be someone?
- Nothing, just exhaustion and depression.

Yes! That's all it does! Do you see any reason to entertain that?
- pfff! No, but it's coming back again and again!

What is coming back again, disappearing, coming back again, and so on?
- The feeling and the thinking of it.

Yes, and again, are you truly the feeling and the thought you are aware of?
- No, but I feel stucked in, trapped in again and again.

Ok, have a good look now, investigate again, are you stucked "in"?...
or is it happening in you? In your consciousness?
- Yes, it is in my consciousness, I'm aware of that.

And you identify with that feeling, with these thoughts?
- Yes.

Ok, take it easy; just see that you identify with that and that you are aware of it. Just see.
Don't try to find or to perform anything, or even don't expect any result or release.
Just see it now, ok?
- Yes, ok.

Ok, just as you are, how is it now?
- Ok.

Good, ok is already good, isn't it?
- Yes.

Somehow already enough?
- Yes.

Do you see the value of just being here, now, in this very moment?
- Yes, it's much more relaxed!

Are you doing it?
- No.

Can you help it?
- No.

Do you see this is naturally happening, that this is your nature in rest?
- pfff! Yes!

Do you want more than that? Right now?
- No, it's good enough!

Ok, good, thank you for sharing.
- Thank you for being so patient.

It's ok, thank you too, it is the same, there is non separation, we are the very same self, can you see that?
- Yes, I see.

Beautiful! This is your recognition. Anything more? Any confusion left?
- No, I feel better.

Ok, so one more thing, see that it is not about feeling better or worse, otherwise you're going to come back very soon! It is not about what comes and goes. See that it is being itself here and now, free of and yet including everything. Do you see that?
- Yes I see.

Good, it is not about being this or that, it is the very source of being, it is that which never changes. This source which never moves, which is our true being. Do you recognize that?
- Yes.

Do you see the difference?
- Yes.

Good! This is the difference between being aware of what is happening now, in our consciousness, anything, any thought or feeling passing by, and overlooking now itself, being itself, awareness itself. Just see how easy we jump on any event rather than to stay where we already are. We need to see that, to see this movement away from our being aware and the result of it. It is all about conditioning, behaviour, mechanisms, habits... (silence)

Ok, thank you.


Ayam om-gif 

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